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About us

Pim Braat is a committed believer in innovative transitions to a better world and is a quick switcher between “Complexity” and “Simplicity”. He has a chemical Engineering background and is familiar with typical Corporate cultures, including their decision processes. During the recent years his involvement with small company projects improved his vision on the essentials of doing business. Pim has a broad social network, many friends and is an open and honest personality. tel +31 6 5261 1800

Maurits van der Goes is a people oriented professional, with an extended active business and social network in the Netherlands. His background is the customer side of IT, more and more augmented with HR and Recruitment. Though very much interested in strategical issues – in the end of the day it is all about getting things done – Maurits is very much action oriented. His humor and team-approach are well known and broadly appreciated. tel +31 6 5326 4052

Geert de Groot is tried and tested in the Corporate environment. In the Marketing arena he organized product innovation and stimulated new team working methods with fresh mindsets. He is a creative thinker, permanently looking for unusual approaches and shortcuts.  Geert is good in motivating and inspiring individuals and groups. Always with a pragmatic business oriented sauce. tel +31 6 5396 5180

Nicolaas Heyning has introduced our “Concept into Action” which he practiced for many years. He is an “action” man, believing in the success of “doing” and avoids “permanent considering” . His international company experience (SHV, Nutricia, Unigate) , complemented with roles as business advisor and interim manager, made him to “the” hands-on solver of business issues. His enthusiasm for innovations, start-ups, and unusual business challenges makes him the perfect business accelerator. tel +31 6 5579 6580

TALLO selected a limited number of top-experts, contributing to projects where specialism is required. These specialists are the core of our Associates programme. The programme is focused on maintaining the relevance to our customers. Thus TALLO is able to guarantee quality, availability and integrity. Associates get direct access to our network and are supported by the TALLO group of friends.