Blog Archives
Business acceleration

We meet numerous enterpreneurs in different stages of their development who can benefit from support in their business acceleration and/or business development. With our hands-on experience and our extensive network we are able to quickly identify the real needs, create market opportunities en introduce them in our network. At this moment in time we actively
Joint Venturing

When working togetherĀ and new business opportunities arise, TALLO does not hesitate in developing joint ventures with content partners. Initially focused on the detection of critical connections in underground infrastructures after 5 or 10 years after installation, we developed together with Evalan a solution in order to identify those critical points over time at their exact

Practitioning the art of business acceleration and/or business development, we are often confronted with the question of either funding or buying companies. Our extended network provides us with contacts in the financial world. At this moment we are working on raising capital for 2 entrepreneurs. Taking the privacy of the companies into account, we only

As a result of the extensive network, the TALLO partners are quite often asked to solve problems or investigate questions. In most cases we access the network in order to add specialists to take the lead in delivering the right advisory. Robotics company We were asked to support a start-up in robotics in entering unknown